Monday, June 22, 2009

Hyperbolic Graff

I don't know that I would have imme-
diately called this graffiti, but I'm pretty sure it counts and I just had to share. Some of you may recognize this from the men's bathroom in the Blind Pig. Every wall has something on it, but I like this one in particular and it always gives me a chuckle. Though I'm not one to get into politics, this sounds to me like a "bleeding heart liberal" view blown out of proportion. I actually really like the "da" in the middle and the way it switches from caps to lower case (also using three different ways to write the letter "e") - this way it looks like it was written by an "uneducated" person or maybe even a homeless guy. That makes it even more interesting because it could be seen either as a cry for help or the self-deprecating humor of a dirty-minded derelict. But even if it was just written by a student or townie, it still fits in well with the Pig's aesthetic and doesn't really pose much of a threat as malicious vandalism.

This second one is I think just north of Green on Fifth Street. I'm going to leave the little bomb-guy alone and focus on the faces. The first time I saw this a couple years ago, I recognized the face of Richard D. James (as seen here on the album "...I Care Because You Do" and here as the children in the music video for "Come to Daddy"). I don't think of this as being anything besides someone trying to be cool and edgy by putting this guy's very distinct face on something for shock value and street cred. For what it's worth, his brand of electronic music can have shock value, too, so having his creepy face in unexpected places is actually kind of fitting for the artist.

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